Greener General Practice

We all recognise (albeit a little too late) the fragility of Earth and its living organisms and the role that mankind has played in damaging our environment since the Industrial Revolution.  As a society we all think about the environment much more than previous generations and make changes to the way we live in order to be greener. The COVID pandemic has also heightened our awareness of the role we play within our ecosystem. 

As a practice we want to look at becoming greener and working towards a more sustainable way of practising. Nidderdale Group Practice has signed up to the Green Impact for Health Toolkit Programme which is an RCGP backed sustainability accreditation scheme looking at becoming more sustainable.

We all need to do more to protect our environment and we are committed to doing our bit at Nidderdale Group Practice.

Dr Madeleine Locke


green GP

What can you do to help?

Whilst we will look at organisational and prescribing level sustainability initiatives, as a patient you can also get involved. On a general note have you completed the WWF footprint survey to work out you individual carbon footprint? Why not give it a go?

The following website provides useful resources about greener general practice:

Did you know that the carbon footprint of inhalers varies enormously? As a practice we will be looking at out inhaler prescribing but consider asking at your next review if you are on the right inhaler for you and if there is a better one for the environment. For more information please read the following link: